Family Addiction Network
A Compassionate Community for Families with Addiction
Mission Statement
It is the goal of the Family Addiction Network to provide a safe meeting space, where family members and friends affected by addiction can come together and be met with compassion and understanding. Gatherings will provide time to share experiences and listen (without giving advice) in an effort to support one another in an accepting and receptive environment.
You are invited to share in our alternative approach for families and friends dealing with addiction. Come and share your experiences and stories in a safe place where your anonymity and privacy are yours to keep. We will greet each other with receptivity, understanding and compassion. We intend to create and hold a space of silent listening allowing for clarity, understanding and peace. Sharing our feelings and fears with like minded individuals lends a sense of comfort in knowing that we are not alone. Hearsay and gossip have no place here. We will not judge, give advice or require any religious commitment. The only faith needed is in yourself.

The third Tuesday of each month, from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM
One Third Presentation
One Third Networking and Resourcing
One Third Confidential Group Sharing
Announced on the Meeting notice.