Family Addiction Network
A Compassionate Community for Families with Addiction
Who We Are...
SUSAN MARCO's inspiration to create Family Addiction Network came from living with her step-son while he plummeted into heroin addiction. Her extensive background in the healing arts, as well as her network of friends and professionals, provided her with the means to survive and maintain sanity through the worst of times. Susan has a great desire to share the techniques and methods that have worked for her.
After dealing with one of her daughter’s having begun using drugs, ANGELA GRASSANO realized that there needed to be a venue for people to share and find support when coping with an addicted loved one.
SHANNA GIORDANO's experience involves a sometimes overlooked area of addiction. In her quest to help her sister, she discovered that resources were hard to find. This created a desire to address the difficulty locating resources in the midst of crisis.

Susan Marco, Shanna Giordano and Angela Grassano